
Inducta.RCBLink is a free tool for transfer of data from CSi SAFE, CSi ETABS, or Bentley RAM Concept 2024 to INDUCTA RCB.

The purpose of this tool is to use the results produced by the analytical engines of the above software and then design the structural elements using INDUCTA's powerful design tools. Currently, only the RCB Column Design & Schedule is linked. Other design tools are coming soon.

The Inducta.RCBLink performs the following tasks:

  1. Export an entire model (ETABS) including geometry, material properties and internal forces.
  2. Combine several models of single floors (SAFE and/or RAMConcept) into a single 3D model and perform load takedowns, calculating live load reduction factors as needed.

The Inducta.RCBLink functions for AS 3600 and ACI 318 to Metric or US units.

The relevant CSi and Bentley software must be installed on the user's PC and have an active license.
